Domestic & International Shipping
Order Fulfilled by Vendor or Manufactures
We've partnered with vendors to efficiently process and fulfill certain orders and products for faster delivery. Please note that some vendors and manufacturers may charge shipping costs, even if the order amount exceeds $35.
Why my package was forward to different facility ?
I understand that your package has been forwarded to a different facility. Sometimes, packages are forwarded due to various reasons. This could be because of: Sorting or Processing: The package might have been rerouted to another facility for proper ...
ePostal Global Shipping Rates by Country
Here you can estimate your shipping cost by country: Country ISO Code ZONE 1 lb 2 lbs 3 lbs 4 lbs 5 lbs 6 lbs 7 lbs 8 lbs 9 lbs 10 lbs Albania AL F $26.70 $30.55 $34.12 $37.68 $41.24 $44.80 $48.36 $51.92 $55.47 $59.02 Algeria DZ I $28.97 $35.77 ...
Forwarding Company
Pasteur Pharmacy takes full responsibility for items that are delivered to the shipping address provided by you during the checkout process. However, we cannot be held responsible for any damage that may occur to the items during transit if you ...
International Shipping - Central - South America
Exciting news for Central and South America Customers! We are delighted to offer you the First Pound of your order for free. As part of our ongoing efforts to reduce shipping costs for our international customers, our priority is to process all ...
International Shipping - Canada
We offer a Flat Rate of 9.99 for our Canadian Customers. Our aim is to process all international shipments within 2-7 business days. For international shipping, we use our Partner ePostal Global as courier. The average, shipping times usually range ...
Economy International Shipping ePostal Global
Our aim is to process all international shipments within 2-7 business days. For Economy International Shipping, we use our Partner ePostal Global as courier limited to 10 lbs. per order. The average, shipping times usually range between 15-30 ...
Domestic Free Shipping - FedEx 2 Days Shipping
Pasteur Pharmacy is pleased to offer free shipping for all online orders (Retail Products) over $35 and fulfilled by Pasteur Pharmacy within the contiguous United States. However, please note that this free shipping offer does not apply to ...
Where is my package ?
We will send your tracking number via email to help you locate your package. To access your tracking information, kindly visit our website at and log in to your account. If you have any questions or concerns about the shipping ...